My honest opinion about face-to-face class


Incheon Global Campus in Songdo. Home to four international universities from Europe and the United States

Incheon Global Campus Multi Complex Building at night. (Photo Credit: Google Images)

Opinion about face-to-face classes varies depending on who a person is and what their inclinations are. I think the biggest advantage of face-to-face classes is the realism.

Through face-to-face classes, I can make new friends and be guided by the professor while actually looking at the students. The professor can teach with, and care for each student. In class I can concentrate more and longer. In sum, face-to-face teaching is more effective.

On the other hand, I think the advantages of Zoom classes suits my personality because I am an introvert, often afraid of speaking in front of many people. Online class is a little easier as I feel like I’m on my own even when I speak in an online class.

Although I cannot ask questions directly when in an in-person class as I do not have the courage to ask knowing there are many students present. But, in a non face-to-face class, I can ask question any question on Zoom.

Additionally, I can take classes near my workplace because of the flexibility of taking classes via Zoom.

There are many advantages of non-face-to-face classes, so I prefer non-face-to-face classes, but there is only one reason why I am really worried about face-to-face classes. My parents run a kindergarten, and the scale is a little large. So, my parents are very careful because they must not be in contact with the people test positive to coronavirus.

Last month, my parents had a very difficult experience because one of the kindergarten teachers was in close contact with a confirmed person. The entire kindergarten- children, parents, and teachers were tested. Teachers in my parents’ kindergarten wrote a memorandum promising to not to go to places where the risk of infection is high.

For the above reason, I’m living my life carefully so that I don’t cause harm to my parents.  I was therefore worried about in-person classes at UAC.

Most times, I worry because I could be a close contact with a covid positive patient in school. I don’t want to take harm home or bring harm to school.

What I was worried just happened on campus, but fortunately, it am lucky I wasn’t identified with or in close proximity with the carrier.

Both face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes have pros and cons, but my thoughts on face-to-face classes are still full of worries.
