The #MeToo movement is not one that can easily be ignored within society today. Social media, news coverage, and classroom discussions continue to raise awareness to the uprising of the movement. The #MeToo movement is aimed at raising awareness of sexual harassment and assault cases that are present in society today. #MeToo started in the United States by a tweet from Alyssa Milano stating “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” This movement has had a tremendous amount of support from the community, including celebrities. It evolved into the use of the hashtag, #Metoo, making it easier to find various shared stories.

We live in a generation where it is impossible to ignore the power of social media. Social media functions as the primary source of news for a portion of society today. The President of the United States, some avid social media enthusiasts, has made various political and personal statements through Twitter. Recognizing the power of social media in the community today this movement was focused on making it easy for individuals to share their experiences surrounding sexual assault and harassment or simply add #MeToo. Having this movement on an internet medium allowed it to be a global movement, anyone in the world with access to the internet is able to read the shared stories and contribute their own.