BREAKING NEWS- In-Person Classes Set to Resume at UAC on April 5

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A cross section of students at the University of Utah Asia Campus before coronavirus pandemic hit South Korea in 2020 (Credit: UAC website)

In-person classes are set to resume at the University of Utah Asia Campus on April 5th, immediately after Spring Break (March 31st to April2nd).

This was made known to faculty and staff through an email from the university’s Chief Administrative Officer and Dean of Faculty- Dr. Greg Hill.

Songdo Chronicle can confirm that multiple measures are in place to ensure smooth return to classes.  According to Dr. Hill, “those instructors with a high number of in-person student contact hours or other individual situations, we (the university) will support a decision to modify classes that allow for both in-person components and an IVC component.”

He further recommended that “at least one in-person piece each week for those who opt to have a hybrid course.” In the interest of students, a Zoom link will be provided to those who may feel ill and should not attend in person.

Additionally, extra measures will be put in place to ensure compliance with social distancing rules and all-known protocols. At the moment, the “Grab and Go” policy remains in place to anyone  visiting the UAC building.

According to Dr. Hill, the decision to return to class “comes from our understanding and research of second-language learners.  Research clearly demonstrates that second-language learners learn best in an in-person environment to engage with both the faculty and other students.”

He stated further that “When reviewing our student academic records, we note that our students performed at a higher level in the Fall 2019, where all courses were in-person, versus Fall 2020, when most classes were hosted IVC. Although there were many factors at play during 2020, we want to give our students the highest chance for success while also doing what we can to keep our community as safe as possible.”

It should be recalled that on Saturday 6th March, a UAC student tested positive to covid-19, leading to mandatory isolation of tens of students, a complete shutdown of the university’s building and transition of all classes from face-to-face to IVC.